Thursday, 12 March 2009

Media Institutions within Our Final Production

Media Institutions incorporates information on how we would advertise, fund and distribute Our Final Production. The main idea here would be for us to seek financial aid from private distributers and pioneers for British film. We would initially begin with the UK Film Council, and show them our production, and receive feedback based on their suggestion. If we impressed them with what we have accomplished, we would then hopefully be given a grant to provide funding for the production. Based on this grant, we would create our entire film, possibly within a 90 minute maximum, as British films tend to start small when working with new and upcoming film makers. Following this, we would try and get feedback at film councils and conventions for showing British film. Our next destination would be small-scale cinemas, and if enough positive reception and public awareness was received, we'd continue proceeding further until we could show our film to the greatest possible number.

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